Color In Concrete
Concrete is normally grey, white or in between. Color can be added by two methods. The first involves dying the concrete, as directly below. The more widely used method in hardscape installations is achieved by mixing pigment into the concrete mix. Please see the hardscape pictures further below.

Our largest job working with color to date was creating the Hardscape design for the Westfield Mall Expansion in Brandon, Florida. The scope of work included the entrance and mall promenade for this upscale shopping center.

Before work can begin, colors and concrete mixtures must be created and confirmed with the ready mix supplier. Elevations, base design and pattern shapes must be confirmed on site with responsible engineers and /or architects. Then form layout can be started.
Following patterns and confirmed elevations forms are precisely assembled. Each color concrete is poured inside of forms according to a scheduled sequence. Each truckload’s mix is examined before pouring, and an exact proportion of water is added to provide for the right consistency, color and strength. Then skilled floating and trowelling will produce an excellent concrete slab and surface.
After curing, concrete may be saw cut to create the grid designs specified. Again precision becomes the important factor. The final step is pressure washing and sealing. Sealing preserves color and hardens the surface to endure decades of foot traffic.

Though solid concrete (impervious) mixes well with color, Pervious Concrete may also be colored within the mix. Pervious concrete may also be integrated in the landscape as trails as above right. Thus Pervious Concrete may be integrated into any hardscape design to provide drainage of rain water. This will refresh the aquifer and help satisfy the thirst of plants and trees integrated into the landscape.
When Charger handles it the result is a job that makes the owner, architect, installation craftsmen and visitors to the mall appreciative of a professionally installed work of concrete. Good planning and scheduling supported by talented and conscientious installation technicians results in a job done right and on time.
This job reflects the skill that comes with over 30 years of working with concrete. That’s why so many General Contractors choose Charger Enterprises. They have learned that the final job gives “Concrete Evidence” that they got more than they paid for.