Pervious Concrete

Avoid the problem

This street not only reduces rain water conversion to stormwater, it helps fight salt water intrusion into the Aquifer.
This street not only reduces rain water conversion to stormwater, it helps fight salt water intrusion into the Aquifer.

Learn how rainwater run-off and parking lot pollutants can be dramatically reduced. If the rainfall is less than 1-1/2โ€ the pavement sub-base can work like a retention pond, storing all the rain that lands on it. And depending on how the base soils percolates, water from surrounding land and other non-pervious surfaces may be accommodated as well. It just takes some small adjustments to engineering, site grading and preparation and the use of properly installed pervious concrete. Thus the ground can store more storm water, and it reduces the heat island problem. It also allows water to reach tree roots. Trees help reduce the heat island effect. Itโ€™s easy with a professional team effort, including engineering, the right materials and equipment. Let us help you put the team together.


This parking lot now absorbs much more water than the grass it replaced. It is cooler than asphalt. it reduces pollution of the aquifer by absorbing oil, grease, rubber particulates and heavy metals from engines and exhaust catalyst metal particles. this reduces the acceleration of greenhouse warming. and by evaporating some of the water it absorbs it helps cool the atmosphere.

Even if it were covered with 2โ€ of sand it would divert more rain water into the aquifer than would Bahia Grass. Unlike asphalt it will not pollute the soil below or the air above with volatile organic compounds.